micke-midlife on May 5th, 2009

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2911km to be exact are behind in this 400days project. What did we learn from almost 3000km? We’re not as good as we’d like to be and it takes quite some time to become a little bit better. Running in warm and sunny weather is much nicer than in a horizontal snow [...]

Continue reading about Almost 3000km in 250days

micke-midlife on March 11th, 2009

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somewhere I read that even a 4 hour marathon goal requires 8-9km running per day. We are now at 12km/day, is this enough for 2:40h in Rotterdam? 12 doesn’t really sound much more than 9, at least not equally much more than the results do. We’ll find out soon, it’s only [...]

Continue reading about 2400km in 200 days

micke-midlife on February 14th, 2009

This is the question we hear most - “how’s it going with your running project?” “Fine, I guess”, the short and general reply back, when there’s no time to further explain. In essence it’s just that. But with a bit more time on this Saturday evening, let me elaborate briefly.
The Rotterdam test marathon is the [...]

Continue reading about 400days - how’s it going?

micke-midlife on January 23rd, 2009

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The average daily amount of km went up from 10k after 100 days to 11km now after 150 days. In a brief estimation for the total project length, we won’t come out much higher. I.e. the initial idea was that the total run distance in 400 days would be about 4000km, now [...]

Continue reading about 1.650km in 150 days

micke-midlife on October 10th, 2008

warning, this post is geeky, if you don’t get any kicks from math equations and modelling, you might want to take a break this time.
it’s your friend who studied math or physics you need to go to, when it’s time to solve one of these difficult problem that life imposes on you. well sometimes it [...]

Continue reading about how to progress from beginning to end