micke-midlife on January 23rd, 2009

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The average daily amount of km went up from 10k after 100 days to 11km now after 150 days. In a brief estimation for the total project length, we won’t come out much higher. I.e. the initial idea was that the total run distance in 400 days would be about 4000km, now [...]

Continue reading about 1.650km in 150 days

micke-midlife on November 7th, 2008

not quite sure if this was a good training session or a bad one. on the one hand, out of the planned 8×1000m intervals, only 4 were run. it was way too close after lunch (3 hours), got stomach ache and felt the need to go the rest room towards the end of each effort. [...]

Continue reading about intervals - at the next level