micke-midlife on May 5th, 2009

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2911km to be exact are behind in this 400days project. What did we learn from almost 3000km? We’re not as good as we’d like to be and it takes quite some time to become a little bit better. Running in warm and sunny weather is much nicer than in a horizontal snow storm. But running is really damn efficient, an hour out there and it feels much better on the couch again. In brief, we’re not much wiser than before, because this much we knew before.

Behind are also a first marathon, in Rotterdam, and a number of 10 k runs mainly the Aktia Cup winter running series. The race results so far - 35:34 on the 10k and 2:49h on the full marathon distance - form a good base line to build upon. It’s been winter for the majority of kilometers and that’s the good news, the rest of the kilometers will be during the summer time! The masterplan foresees now a 9 week period of less km, but higher running pace until the bike tour and the preparation for the main event, the Berlin Marathon in September.

First summary after 100 days

Second summary after 150 days

Third summary after 200 days

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