micke-midlife on March 4th, 2009

04032009_stubb-and-haileHe’s always full of energy and a kind of Speedy Gonzales around here. He’s here in Helsinki, next minute he’s off to Brussels, where he likes to go most. Then some peace building and keeping meetings in Egypt and Etiopia. Some people have claimed to having seen him in two places the same time… (well perhaps on a Friday/Saturday evening, people claim a lot on those weekday evening). Always a media friendly smile and always on the run. Literally. Just spotted him 10 days ago at the Esport Arena, but I was too Finnish to doing a couple of laps with him. (Finnish people let other Finnish people be and everyone does his/her own thing.)  Next time I’ll just join in.

Anyway, Alexander Stubb’s definitely often on the run as he shows on his blog. He went to Etiopia and did some good kilometers with “da god of running“. Respect.

today’s training: instead of doing intervals on the indoor track, I chose to prevent any further strain on the left knee’s fibers and did a 20km run outside in the slush, 1:33h for 20,3km

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