micke-midlife on October 19th, 2009

20102009033_forestIt’s been 4 weeks now since the Berlin Marathon, since I tore the leg/hip muscle the second time (the first time it was during an interval session 10 days earlier). In those four weeks I stayed completely away from running or other sports. Didn’t even feel like doing much, although fall set in a coloured all trees beautifully yellow and red. Thought to apply the Sepia effect on all blog post pictures to get the blog a bit more of a stylish appearence, but then the bright fall colours would not be seen, so I stayed away from applying the effect on todays picture.

I also stayed away from all medicine during the recovery. The week of painkillers and what not to get the leg/hip muscle to hold through the marathon made the body numb for all pain. Now during recovery it’s more important to get the right signals. Btw a quite opinionated but good blog post by Zaba on pain killers, vaccine and flu medication and running.

Did a 13,5km run on Saturday, not even too slow, about 4:27min/km. It felt ok during the run, but afterwards it hurt. Not only the injured muscle but the thighs in general, the four weeks of rest were apparently a bit long. And I guess that I got quickly some good kilograms back. Yesterday - as compensation to the run - 1kmĀ  of swimming at the indoor swimming arena and playing with the little princess in the kids pool. And today a good 1:40h session at the gym. Cycling and 3 rounds of a 10 exercise strength circuit. Will try to add running on the treadmill this week, for 10 - 15mins only in the beginning and increase it from there.