micke-midlife on November 14th, 2008

this first body pump session was devilish. the session itself is short, about an hour, and quite compact. i.e. there are no longer breaks, but rather the exercises on the different body parts follow in quick succession. one can easily over do it by putting on a bit too much weight on the bar. the group work out will keep you going a little bit longer compared to when you are alone in the fitness room, or doing your own series of exercises. right afterwards you feel tired but satisfied with the effort. and when stretching the muscles afterwards it feels good.

but it’s the next day that’s brings the pain and actually the next as well and the next, too…

the body pump session was on tuesday. on wednesday the 1000m and 2000m interval runs were way behind target, i.e. 10 to 20 seconds slower. on thursday, the planned 20km run was reduced to 15km and on friday, today it was time for a rest. this body pump needs to be tried again, just to see whether it hurts equally long next time… runners are masochists or just plain stupid, because history doesn’t teach them anything.