micke-midlife on October 5th, 2008

all green, good week! with a total distance of 83.5km and two interval sessions there’s a good balance of speed and endurance. the sixth week starts the second part of the first episode where speed work should pick up in preparation of the series of 10k runs from november onwards.

the 400s on monday felt quite easy, it’s still the longer intervals beyond 1000m that are the weak spot, need to soon start building in 2000m and 3000m runs as well, those will hurt … masochism definitely. it was raining on tuesday and wednesday, hence the average pace was a bit higher, it just made me wanting to go back in again, on thursday not even out. the yasso 800s were ok, kind of a first data point or more or less informed guesstimate on where about we are with the overall marathon fitnes - somewhere around 3:00h, kind of ok for now. quite tired on the weekend, but some good accelerations on the sunday run with which i scared some walkers off the forest path, that’s ok too.  ;-)

the coming week sees 3 highlights, the 8×1000m in 3:30min in the beginning, a 5k company fitness run that we’ll take as a 5k test out of full training in the mid and 10x 2min uphill runs. are there actually long enough hills around here in helsinki? need to ask around. a total of 85km will be a decent total stretch.