micke-midlife on November 3rd, 2009

It feels like being a king in the evening. Rode the bike to work in the morning. 13km one way, takes 50 mins when stopping by the daycare and dropping of the little princess. She truly enjoys the ride from home, and screams the names of pretty much everything she sees, the trees, the guy who walks his dog, the indoor swimming arena and the ducks in the pond that we rush by. I guess those ducks got a heart attack this morning. Well, tomorrow they’re used to the sirene in the backseat on my bike.

Then in the evening planned to run at half past 4, right off from the desk at work, to catch the last glimpse of light outside. But the bank called and wanted to discuss the house loan (yes, we’re in the market right now), so quater past five it was and pitch dark it was. 16,5 km at a heart rate below 155 bpm. Not easy to stick to a rather slow pace. But I want to get more differentiatoin into my runs. The slow ones should be really slow, even below a heart rate of 150 or 145 at some point. And the fast runs, intervals, hill sessions etc, really should be pushed above 185bpm (=”Quäl dich Du Sau!”-style)

Rode the bike home afterwards and this one guy passed me on his racing bike, of course I had to chase him. Well, he had a light attached to his bike, I didn’t. So at least I was safer. Two crazy guys racing at a speed of 36-40km/h from Helsinki Lehtisaari up to Munkkiniemi, a 2,5km stretch. One with a child seat attached to his bike. Must have been an interesting sight. The other guy was stronger, he got away in the end. Damn, of course, he didn’t have the child seat attached … ;-)