micke-midlife on November 25th, 2008

just bought a new pair of running shoes for the winter. the local budget sport outlet had a number of winter and off-road running shoes on sale. although a pair of nike were about half the price of the asics I ended up buying, I don’t regret the decision. inexpensive nike shoes have th eproblem that they are also quite modest on the performance side. this pair didn’t provide any support and felt just like a soft rubber layer under the feet. the asics keep the foot well in place and provide some support for a pair of normal feet.

after an initial test over 13,5 km this evening, I’m sitting in front of the internet and would like to know more about the shoe I bought. however, it’s difficult to identify the model by looking at the shoe. left the box at the shop, they should deal with the resulting waste. also cut off all the labels before going out and those are now below nasty dipers in the trash. no can do to retrieve those anymore. the receipt from the shop just says asics gel terrain. but this search term in Google doesn’t provide any resuts that would fit to a model named like this.the asics web page doesn’t show a model like this one, but that’s no surprise, the outlet mostly sells remainders of last year’s stock at reduced prices. if any reader identifies this model, let me know.

(click the picture to enlarge it) winter-running-shoes-profile.gif

running with this pair of off-road shoes on the snowy trails worked out well. in comparison to yesterday’s “summer tyres”, there was no slippery situation today. the shoe is stiffer, which makes sense given the more uneven ground it’s made for. the feet have still to get used to the more restricted mobility. the profile provides sufficient grip in the snow and slush. the outer material is water abrasive. a working package for 90 EUR.